“Yo, Oxygen atom!
Go straight to GAS school!”
Screamed oxygen’s mom,
“I’m not raising a fool!”
Oxygen atom,
Well, he didn’t listen,
Skipped out on school,
Each class he was missing!
Went to the park,
Had nothing to do,
Two hydrogen atoms,
Were hanging there too,
“You wanna’ join me?”
Oxygen asked,
“We’ll be the gas gang,
Since we’re all types of gas!”
Those three gaseous atoms,
Two H, and one O,
Signed a gang pact,
Right there in the snow…
They went off to run,
But fell to the ground,
Shocked when they formed,
A liquid compound…
Then, feeling real smart,
That new molecule,
H2O water,
Went to show off at school…
Watch Mr. R.’s Water Cycle Song