I ate a magnet…
Tasted good!
Mom got mad,
I knew she would…
“Get that magnet out!” she cried,
“Magnets aren’t good inside!”
I tried to fish it out with wood,
But magnet didn’t stick too good…
Tried to fish it out with rubber,
Then I tried,
Some whale’s blubber,
Tried to grab it out with glass,
Then I tried some grown green grass,
Tried to pry it out with plastic,
Things were getting pretty drastic,
Paper, onions, basketball,
Nothing pulled it out at all!
Dad saw and said,
“Here’s the trick,
To certain things,
Will magnets stick!
Things with iron,
Are the key,
Try one, son,
I think you’ll see…”
I went and found,
An iron nail,
And brought an end to this tall tale…
Tied the nail to a string,
Dropped it down my mouth, that thing,
And when I pulled that nail out,
The magnet was attached no doubt…
Don’t eat magnets,
And in fact,
Stick to foods that can’t attract!
Watch Mr. R.’s Magnetism Song
Magnets are materials that attract objects such as iron. They do this by creating an invisible magnetic field.
Magnets have two poles- a north and a south pole. When a magnet is allowed to spin freely (such as in a compass) the north pole will point to the Earth’s magnetic north.
An electromagnet is a magnet that is made from a coil of wire and an electric source, and only has magnetism when an electric current is passing through it.