Tell my story,
Once I breathe O-2,
Exhale air, and then prepare,
The truth I’m tellin’ you…
To breathe?
A breeze!
Everyone breathes,
Animals, insects,
And fish in the seas!
Air through our mouth,
Or in through our nose,
Down through our trachea,
That’s how it goes!
Through bronchial tubes,
Into our lungs,For body to use,
Like ladders use rungs…
Alveoli come next,
Cool little sac,
Like pasta and cheese,
They deliver a snack!
O-2 to blood,
They’re really quite nice,
Remove C-O-2,
They’re all working twice…
When we exhale,
Us humans can speak,
Vocal cords moving,
To sing or to squeak…
Respiration so cool,
It’s not very shoddy,
It’s a really great system,
Found inside our body…
Watch Mr. R.’s Respiratory System Music Video
The respiratory system is the system the body uses to get oxygen from the air.
The oxygen gives cells the ability to produce the energy they need to live.
Air enters the respiratory system through the mouth and nose and it travels down the trachea and bronchial tubes to the lungs. Inside the lungs, the air is sent to millions of air sacs called alveoli. These alveoli pass the oxygen from the air into the blood stream and also remove the carbon dioxide from the blood stream to be exhaled back into the air.