Earth (planet) Poem

children holding hands on planet earthIt’s a spinning sphere of rock,
That’s flying through the air,
Third planet from the big bright sun,
smiling sun cartoon
A place we all do share!

school bus with kids

Only planet with known life,
earth cartoon
From birds, to bears, and bees…
bird cartoonbear cartoonbee cartoon
So many types of living things,
From forests to blue seas…
We all share this awesome place,
Its beauty we all roam,
Let’s protect our Mother Earth
The place we ALL call home…
earth cartoon

What is Earth?

Earth is the third planet from the sun and is the only object in the solar system that is known to support life.
Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours (1-day).
It takes Earth 365 days to orbit the Sun (1-year).

Earth has one Moon which influences the tides of Earth’s oceans.


Speaking of tides, Earth is the only planet that currently has liquid water on its surface. This water was crucial to the development of life, which began about 3 or 4-billion years ago. Earth is the largest of the four terrestrial planets, which include Mercury, Venus, and Mars (a terrestrial planet is solid, while a ‘gas giant’ planet is made of gasses and liquids).

Mr. R.'s World of Science