Frogs, toads, and salamanders too,
Those are amphibians…
Not birdies or reptiles,
Like hawks and crocodiles,
Amphibians do metamorphosis!
Tadpoles known as polliwogs,
Change to newts and toads and frogs!
Frogs, toads, and salamanders too,
Also caecilians,
Not fish or mammals,
Like sharks and camels,
Amphibians do metamorphosis!
Tadpoles tadpoles, they’re so neat,
Develop lungs, and four small feet…
Hatch from eggs, swim then stand,
They glide through water,
They move on land!
They’re not mammals,
Like mice or camels,
They’re not mollusks,
They aren’t fish,
Amphibians like butterflies
Can undergo metamorphosis!
Although some amphibians and reptiles may appear similar,
amphibians undergo metamorphosis while reptiles don’t!
Frogs, toads, and salamanders too,
Also caecilians,
Not fish or mammals,
Like sharks and camels,
Amphibians do metamorphosis!
No scales on their skins,
Only living where it’s moist,
They need water, there’s no choice!
Frogs, toads, and salamanders too,
Those are amphibians…
Not fish or mammals
Like sharks and camels,
Amphibians do metamorphosis!